Your own email: Great power comes with great responsibility

There are days that you do things out of the ordinary. That day, I opened my spam folder…exceptional behavior for all of us. This is not the end, I found a self-sent threatening email. That’s me, a proper villain :) This amazing finding set off a thought process in my head.How? How is it possible? […]

Cloudflare Tunnels: You don’t need Nginx proxy

Exposing containerized applications isn’t straightforward. I’ve got a dedicated server for Docker containers with a few different supporting components. I need to take care of routing, SSLs, web sockets, paths, and other bits of Nginx configuration. Cloudflare states that this can be done easier and faster with:no open ports,no exposed public IP,SSL certificate,and completely free. […]

Why VPS accelerated my career? How it started long ago

Everyone has a mission, should have, or still searching for. By writing this entry I want to encourage „youngsters” and unsure of their technical skills to dive into the deep ocean of servers. This long rambling will take you (not so briefly) through the process of gaining my web and server administration experience. Get a […]

Few necessary things You need to do after buying VPS server

Buying your first own VPS server is a big step in your self-development. Many new difficulties that You will face, many new things and technologies that You will learn. But where to start? What is important and what isn’t? Look at the below checklist to kickstart the VPS journey!