Cloudflare DMARC Management

One year ago, I secured my email domain after receiving a self-sent threatening email. The old DMARC tool worked flawlessly, but I like to try new things. Lastly Cloudflare has introduced its beta DMARC Management tool. I need to test it!

Your own email: Great power comes with great responsibility

There are days that you do things out of the ordinary. That day, I opened my spam folder…exceptional behavior for all of us. This is not the end, I found a self-sent threatening email. That’s me, a proper villain :) This amazing finding set off a thought process in my head.How? How is it possible? […]

How to configure Full (Strict) SSL using Cloudflare Origin Certificates?

One of the greatest Cloudflare features is a wide range of SSL configurations. Starting from clever Flexible one and ending on Full (Strict) with trusted certificates. In this short tutorial, I will show you how to generate Cloudflare Origin Certificates and configure SSL on the Apache and Nginx web servers. It won’t take more than […]

What is DNS over TLS/HTTPS? Should I use it?

Most communication on the Internet starts with the DNS query. Client (smartphone, computer) sends a request to DNS Resolver which provides him a machine-readable IP address based on the human-readable domain name. He transforms into Now our device knows where to connect, where a destination server is. Typically we use a DNS Resolver […]